22 June 2010

Semester Reflection 2

What four-year college/s are you interested in and why?
Right now I am interested in NYU, MICA, Parsons New School of Design, and Academy of Art University.
I really want to go to NYU because of their amazing photography department. I toured the department during spring break and fell in love with it. This is the hardest school to get into in my list because only 35 people are accepted to the program each year. 
I want to go to MICA because I like the campus and they have the majors I'm interested in. 
Parsons is on my list mostly because it's in New York and I really want to live in New York.
The Academy of Art University is on my list mostly for my dad. It's in San Francisco and my dad wants me to stay in California. But it also is my back up school since they accept everyone who applies. I am also doing a pre-college program there this summer that lasts for six weeks so I will be able to see if I like it.


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